
10 Ways Outlook can help your business grow with video (part 2)

Using video in your messaging works, research shows that viewers retain 95% of a message from a video compared to 10% when reading it in the text. Video can be used in lots of different ways and the 2nd part of this blog will offer five more ways to try and help you see how it can work for you.

Missed reasons 1-5? Check out part 1

6. It supports your social strategy

A video is a great way of supporting a multitiered content strategy that builds a loyal and engaged following as opposed to a one-off viral hit. A strong social content strategy is less about isolated campaigns and more about creating ongoing content, evolving your audience into advocates.

Ice Social

We’re celebrating our 100th Birthday this year! Festivities kicked off last Thursday with our incredible ice challenge in Kingston-upon-Thames… Were you there? Believe it or not, the ice itself was actually imported all the way from Sweden by the geniuses behind the world-famous Ice Hotel. We've heard it's a great place to ""chill out""…

Posted by Clas Ohlson UK on Wednesday, 4 July 2018

7. It’s great on mobiles

58% of all video and over half of all internet traffic is from a mobile device. This growth isn’t going to stop any time soon. So, the chances are, your audience is seeing your message on a small screen, whilst doing something else at the same time. You need to capture their interest quickly and retain it.

8. Which metrics to track

Metrics depend on the where the videos are hosted, LinkedIn measures:

  • Impressions: Number of times that your video was seen
  • Views:  When your video plays for at least two continuous seconds, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first
  • View-through rate: Total views divided by total impressions times 100
  • Completions: The number of times your video was watched at 97-100% of its length
  • Completion rate: ‘Completions’ divided by ‘Views’ times 100
  • Engagement metrics: There are various actions that can help you understand if your audience is engaging. While marketers normally always include staple social media actions such as likes, shares, and comments, you should consider video-specific metrics such as
    • Full-screen plays: When the user taps on the video, going to video view mode
    • Skip: This normally is used on pre-roll and mid-roll and denotes when a user intentionally hits a skip button to get past an advert. LinkedIn does not interrupt user experience with pre-roll or mid-roll, so skips are not relevant on LinkedIn

9. Get interactive

A great way to increase engagement levels is to make your videos interactive. There are lots of ways you can do this, such as choice-based storytelling, but you can also draw upon the power of your events via live streaming or Live Edit. Capturing key messages from customer events, product launches, exhibitions or conferences and being able to share them at the moment or have a summary edited and ready to share the same/next day is a great way of staying in the moment.

10. Build the anticipation with teasers

We all have times where we’ve got less to talk about. Relax, this is okay, it happens! The big danger you have is running into a situation where your customers are no longer responding to you. They’ve forgotten who you are and why they liked your content in the first place means you need to start that conversation again.

Teaser videos can trickle brand content in the quiet times, even just a few seconds of video reminding them who you are and why they should continue to engage with you over a competitor.

If you’re thinking about video in your content and communications strategy we can help you, get in touch!