Shire produce premium softwood bedding for horses, small animals and livestock, making sure that once they launch their new products, each and every bale is exactly what they guaranteed – superior!
To design and produce a promotional film to help sell their new range of wood bedding being taken to market.
We worked closely with the client to understand that, as well as having a great product it was produced and developed with the care, the attention and passion of a family with a genuine love of horses and their comfort and welfare. There was a very clear vision and rationale for the product and its target audience.
With this in mind, we wanted to ensure the animation had a very warm, passionate and feel good factor. Care was taken to develop an illustrative solution that was engaging and upbeat to tell the story of the product development and the product benefits to the horses that use it.
The camera moves from left to right, taking the audience on a journey through changing landscapes and scenarios, highlighting and visualising the key USPs of the product. This was further enhanced with a female voiceover, animating captions and a suitable music track.
We wanted to ensure the audience felt the joy and care invested in the product to help distinguish it from its competitors and help position it in the market place as a genuine quality product.
A very warm and uplifting way of bringing to life the passion and care behind the product and the benefits it will deliver to the horses, in a two-minute promotional film.
Thank you for all the work you’ve done on this, for being super understanding of my continual amendments, and for bringing my vision to life.