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Case Study

JIG - Website

  • Web Content
  • Website Design
  • Website Development


The Joint Inspection Group (JIG) is the world-leading organisation that is developing aviation fuel supply chain standards.

The Brief

To enhance the JIG website usability and functionality and make it more contemporary and professional and better represent its membership and overall offering. We were also able to help with ongoing support, future development and hosting.

It's all in the details

The original site design was overly cluttered and had basic UI, layout and general visual appeal. The site has lots of valuable content for its members, and a big part of our job was to streamline the user journey around the site and the overall experience to make it much more efficient and enjoyable.

The solution

o make the site much more visually appealing, we used big, bold background images and reduced the written content. This helped minimise clutter by giving the content more breathing space, improving the layout, calls to action and visual signposting across the site, including breadcrumbs into the secondary navigation.

The new JIG logo and brand palette enabled us to work the fresh blue colourways across the buttons and background content areas combined with the new imagery we recommended to bring the pages to life.

The website was built on a WordPress platform with full CMS to enable the client to fully administer the site’s content with the flexibility and option to continue to enhance the site and its content and performance in line with JIGs plans.

The site is fully responsive and mobile-friendly and comes with full e-commerce capability to enable members to order and pay for membership, events, training courses and accreditations.

A complete online e-learning capability enables the members to pay to access online learning content that the JIG team can populate into the system and administer themselves.


A compelling online solution that delivers an enhanced front end-user experience and improved backend administration and future growth opportunities for the JIG team.