Elexon are integral to the successful running of the UK electricity industry. Their expertise and insight – along with 20 years of experience – allows companies to trade, supply and operate within the market.
With their AGM around the corner, Elexon got in touch for support with managing the technical elements of this hybrid event.
This annual meeting would take place in their London headquarters with around 50 people attending in person, and a further 200 watching remotely.
As the team at Elexon already had a license for Teams Live, this would be the hosting platform of choice. Our Live Team’s expertise would be required to manage all technical elements, enhancing the event content to put on a seamless experience of the highest quality.
Perhaps the most important element of a hybrid event is creating a sense of cohesion – our solution would need to make the content as engaging as possible for every audience member, regardless of their location.
On the day itself, our Live Experience experts got straight to work creating the set in Elexon’s chosen meeting room, working in close collaboration with the on-site IT team. To guarantee the quality of sound and lighting this important event required, our Technical Producer set up Outlook’s own PA system.
It was equally vital that the look and feel reflected Elexon’s respected professionalism. Our team of designers took Elexon’s vibrant branding and created eye-catching pic-in-pic graphics for the slide deck, as well as name tags for all in-person attendees.
With a big Q&A panel a key feature of the agenda, our team made sure this process was as seamless as possible by setting up hand-held mics and linking in delegates joining virtually so that all attendees were able to put their questions to the seven presenters.
The event was also filmed in full by our on-site camera crew, which was then posted on Elexon’s website for viewers to watch at their convenience.
Our Live Team’s skills and experience helped leverage Elexon’s existing event platform to create an enhanced hybrid event experience that was streamlined, cohesive and professional. The team at Elexon were delighted with the result and our flexible, value-adding approach.